Is It Just Preschool?

You may have heard the saying "All I need to know I learned in Kindergarten." The same can be said for preschool. At home children can be learn basic things like colors, shapes, numbers, letters, letter sounds and sometimes beginning reading skills. But the benefits they take away from organized preschool go much deeper than these things. The benefits listed below are just a few of what children can take away from organized preschool.
Socialization: Students learn what it means to be part of a class. Important things like how to line up, taking turns, sharing, listening to authority figures that are not their parents, and doing things that might not be what makes them happy in the moment. These are life long skills all children need.
Security: The preschool class is a stable, nurturing environment where kids see the same friends and, have a daily routine. They learn that their teacher cares for them and keeps them safe until their parents return.

Diversity: Students learn that each child is unique and made with their own special personality. Students meet children who are all different, some may have straight or curly hair, be small or very tall, have light or darker skin, be a fast runner or a great at coloring. Some of the students may also, be a lot like them. They learn that they can be friends and work with all types of people. They also learn that all children are made and loved by God.
Responsibility: Preschoolers are expected pick up after themselves by doing things like, hang up their coats and backpacks, keep their desks clean, pick up their toys. Students have classroom “jobs” like turning off the lights on the way to recess, wiping tables after snack, and being the line leader just to name a few. Having classroom jobs teaches them that serving fellow students is a wonderful and rewarding way to live.

Self-sufficiency: With a 12:1 ratio in the classroom, teachers want to create an independence in things like wiping their nose, washing hands, zipping coats, getting their own lunches or opening lunch boxes and other small day to day things. This leads students to learn to be confident and independent.
Good manners: Students practice the almost lost art of patiently waiting for their turn, sharing toys, saying “please” and “thank you,” speaking in an inside voice, and asking for and giving forgiveness when needed.
Activity: Physical play is a huge part of preschool — not just on playground equipment, but through dance and games involving movement as well. Students benefit from P.E. class where they learn more organized games, practice sportsmanship, and gain coordination.
Flourishing imagination: Preschool classrooms are a treasure trove of opportunity for imaginative play. There are blocks to build with, art supplies to create with, and costumes and props, games to play, and toys to build a world only a child's imagination could create.