What is PTF?

When I tell people I am part of the Zion Lutheran School PTF they always ask, "what is PTF?" I tell them it stands for "Parent Teacher Fellowship. It's like a PTO or PTA." They usually reply with a comment along the lines of, "Oh is that because you are a religious school?" Nope, it means we are meeting for more than just the reason of conducting business. Fellowship means friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests. Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
We gather together on a regular basis with the goal of building friendships and relationship with other parents and teachers who also believe in the mission of stimulating and challenging our children in a safe and loving environment.
This fellowship with other like-minded parents is what makes Zion Lutheran School such a special place. Yes, we raise money to support the efforts of the school and teachers who call it home. But it's more than fundraising and teacher appreciation. It's the whole-hearted conversations had at the school carnival. It's the sympathetic hug after a parent teacher conference. It's the genuine smiles exchanged after a fun night playing games at open gym. It's parents supporting parents in a time of family crisis and building livelong friendships. That's fellowship! That's what you get when you are part of your Zion Lutheran School PTF.