Zion Lutheran School
Immunization Information
Before children in preschool and grades K-12 may enter or transfer into public or private schools, Idaho law requires that a valid immunization record be presented to school staff by the parent or guardian at the time of registration and before attendance.
A valid immunization record is an electronic medical health record, an immunization registry document, or a written immunization certificate confirmed (signed, stamped, or provided on official letterhead) by a licensed health care professional which states the month, day, and year of each immunization a child has received. A record with check marks instead of dates or one which states only “up-to-date,” “all requirements met,” or “series complete” is inadequate and may not be accepted. The record must show that all required vaccine doses have been received and minimum ages and intervals have been met. Laboratory proof of immunity to a disease for which a vaccine is required is valid and meets the requirement for that disease. For varicella, a statement by a licensed health care professional indicating the child has had chickenpox disease meets the requirement.
Although the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare strongly encourages that children be immunized, the ultimate decision to immunize or not is that of the parent or guardian. Idaho law allows a parent/guardian to claim an exemption from immunization requirements for their child for medical, religious, or personal reasons. All exemptions must be documented on the official Idaho Exemption Form provided by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Immunization Program.