Do I have to be Lutheran to attend ZLS?
No, Zion Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to all students at the school.
Who is governing body?
Zion Lutheran School Board under the leadership and council of Zion Lutheran Church (LCMS).
How much homework can our family expect?
The amount of homework varies from class to class. To be clear unfinished class assignments are not the same as assigned homework.Through homework, children can learn independent and valuable study skills in addition to responsibility. It is our policy to assign homework to the end that students acquire better study habits and skills.
How much parental involvement is required?
Zion Lutheran School offers many opportunities for parental volunteering. Three required informational parent meetings covering all the aspects school life. Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) – 1 monthly meeting lasting one hour.
What curriculum is used?
Saxon Math- excellent reputation and used in successfully in Classical Christian schools
ABeka Spelling & Science- accelerated program with a creation perspective in science
Religion- Lutheran based curriculum
Memoria Press for Latin
Answers in Genesis History- Biblically based for expanding the Christian World view
Teacher generated curriculum for other subjects using their professional expertise
How they link from grade to grade?
Curriculum follows a logical sequence for each stage of learning. Upon graduating from Zion your student will be prepared for any school of your choosing.
How long has the school taught using the classical education model?
We have used the classical education model since the 2013-2014 school year.
What makes Zion Lutheran School different?
Self governing
Common sense based on God’s Word
Small class sizes
Classical Christian Curriculum
No Federal data base
What curriculum is used in Religion class?
We adhere to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod teachings based on The Holy Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism.
Why are uniforms required?
We at Zion Lutheran School wish to teach our students morals, values and modesty as well as mathematics, science and language. We believe that a clean, neat student body that is dressed uniformly has less trouble with student alienation, discrimination and general distraction associated with a less structured dress code.
What are the tuition rates?
Tuition rates throughout the Treasure Valley can vary greatly. Zion Lutheran School believes that keeping the tuition at a moderate rate helps parents to afford a quality education. There are several ways that we offer to help families in need by offering discounts to families with multiple children, Zion Lutheran congregation members, full time pastors and a Tuition Assistance Program.