Zion Lutheran School

Academics Table of Contents
WE ASSERT that God’s Word should shape and inform all learning; therefore, the Bible is the heart of our curriculum, and chapel services the heart of our daily routine.
WE REJECT the assertion that religion can simply be added on to make a curriculum Christian.
K-2 curriculum: Students in K-2 learn Bible stories and the Lutheran Catichism. They memorize hymns and parts of the Small Catechism.
3rd-5th curriculum: Students in 3rd-5th grades go through Bible history in greater detail. Students learn how to pray, memorize Scripture passages, and Luther's Small Catechism.
6th-8th curriculum: Students study the Bible, Theology and Ethics. This includes Old Testament Survey, Marriage and Family Ethics, Lutheran Piety, and Systemic Theology.
WE ASSERT that the ability to use and understand language effectively is the foundation of all education, and that language, along with reason, distinguishes man from animals.
WE REJECT the assertions that inaccurate or mediocre writing and speech are sufficient as long as they “communicate,” that students should be expected to write original compositions without the practice of modeling from great writers, and that the act of reading matters more than the content of the books children read.
K-2nd curriculum: Abeka Phonics, Reading and Spelling along with Abeka Language set a firm foundation for future years.
3rd-5th curriculum: Shurley English has a standard of excellence our students enjoy.
6th-8th curriculum: Shurley English is continued with the addition of supplemental books, also utilizing Springboard Writing Workshop.
WE ASSERT that memorization of mathematical facts and confident computational skill are essential to progress in math, and that higher levels of abstract mathematics provide valuable training for the mind.
WE REJECT the assertions that knowledge of mathematical processes without a supply of memorized factual information is sufficient, that young students must be able to articulate why each mathematical process works, and that all mathematical studies must have an immediate, practical application.
K-5th curriculum: Saxon Math provides students a solid foundation in the language and basic concepts of math through an incremental approach whereby students practice new concepts and then achieve mastery through continued application in subsequent lessons.
6th-8th curriculum: Students continue their mathematical studies with Saxon Math, taking up to Algebra, and some geometry.
History & Geography
WE ASSERT that history reveals the working of God throughout time, gives students models of great men to admire, teaches the outcomes of virtue and vice, and prepares a background for understanding all other disciplines. We also assert that students should continually broaden their understanding of the world by memorizing the locations of geographical places, and that geographical studies assist students in understanding both history and current events.
WE REJECT the assertions that young children benefit more from social studies focusing on their own time and place than from study of the past, and that all cultures and peoples are equally worthy of our study. We also reject the assertion that memorization of geographical locations is too difficult or meaningless for children.
K-5th curriculum: Focusing on Western Civilization, history studies follow a chronological survey: a three-year cycle of the Ancient, Medieval, and Modern periods. Geography is integrated into the study of history.
6th-8th curriculum: Students continue to repeat the three-year cycle of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern history, studying these periods in greater detail through reading primary sources. This course of study reviews and expands on the history learned in the lower grades, but also engages students’ blossoming capacity for critical thought. Students confront such timeless questions as: Why have civilizations risen and fallen? How have religion, philosophy, literature, geography, technology, and other factors affected civilizations? What is our Christian response as heirs of this heritage?
History Cycle: Zion Lutheran School follows a 3-year history cycle, around which several other subjects revolve (e.g. English and Literature). The cycle is as follows:
Year 1 – Ancient History (Ancient)
Year 2 – Medieval History (fall of the Roman Empire to just before the Reformation)
Year 3 – Modern History (the Reformation and American History)
WE ASSERT that scientific study can enrich our appreciation for God’s design in the physical world, and that the scientific method provides an ordered, helpful tool for examining creation.
WE REJECT the assertions that science is incompatible with religion, and that the scientific method alone is sufficient to reveal the truth about creation.
3rd-5th curriculum: we teach from Science in the Beginning.
6th-8th curriculum: the curriculum that is used is Wittenberg Academy Science Notebook and may other supplementals.
WE ASSERT that Latin forms the mind, connects students with their Western and Christian cultural heritage, assists them in broadening their knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary, prepares them well for further language study, and is exciting for students, especially as they gain mastery of the language.
WE REJECT the assertions that the study of Latin has minimal benefit since it is a “dead” language lacking native speakers, and that it must be burdensome and of little interest to young students.
2nd curriculum: Students build a Latin vocabulary and foundation using Song Book Latin.
3rd-8th curriculum: Students utilize the Memoria Press curriculum and attend weekly Latin Lab where they practice reading and speaking in Latin.
WE ASSERT that art is a particularly human gift and ability, that art should help us to love truth, goodness, and beauty, that proficiency in art requires explicit instruction with gradual building of skills, and that through the fine arts children develop observational skills and an appreciation for true masterpieces.
WE REJECT the assertions that children will enjoy art more or produce satisfying work if we merely direct them to “be creative,” and that all artworks are equally edifying and worthy of study.
K-2nd curriculum: Drawing with Children is the curriculum that is best geared to build art skills.
3rd-8th curriculum: Students learn to create and appreciate art and to love beauty. Drawing lessons are the foundation of the art curriculum, providing students with frequent, gradual, explicit direction to build their skills. Additional art lessons increase students’ knowledge of artistic terminology and enhance their aesthetic and motor skills. Art is taught in the context of great artists and their works.
WE ASSERT that music is a divine gift, which is next to theology in the praise of God, that it is an aid to memorization, and that it is an essential aspect of life both within the church and in the world.
WE REJECT the assertions that music is tangential to faith and learning, that all types of music are equally edifying or appropriate in all situations, and that music theory is not a necessary part of music education.
K-8th curriculum: Children are given many opportunities to sing, hear, and appreciate quality music of various styles. They also learn vocal technique through choir instruction and basic note reading through a study of musical notation. Such musical study develops students’ appreciation for the beauty of excellent musical compositions.
Physical Education
WE ASSERT that, according to the ancient ideal of “a sound mind in a sound body,” the truly educated person must learn to manage his life not only mentally and morally, but also physically, and that friendly competition against oneself and one’s peers helps inculcate the virtues of fortitude and justice.
WE REJECT the assertions that the body is of little consequence, and that competition of any sort must necessarily be detrimental to children.
K-2nd curriculum: Young students practice a variety of basic movement skills and begin to play group games.
6th-8th curriculum: Students concentrate on developing personal fitness and continually gain appreciation for the good of a well-trained body.
WE ASSERT that reading is one of the most valuable activities for human beings to pursue in their leisure time, and that children should read for pleasure as well as academic advancement.
WE REJECT the assertions that any reading is worthwhile, regardless of content, and that all reading must be rigorous and challenging.
K-8th curriculum: The purpose of the Zion Lutheran School Library is to support the school curriculum. Weekly library time teaches basic library skills, but more importantly encourages students to read literature which will enrich their understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness.
Zion Lutheran School begins with our academic 4-year-old preschool. Zion Lutheran Preschool has an emphasis on teaching the whole child using all the senses and learning modalities. Every day is centered in Christ and the basic Bible stories. The children will work on fine and gross motor skills, arts and crafts, listening skills and social and community awareness. Preschool also includes an excellent pre-reading and math and science program. We include technology when appropriate and include the children in our music and P.E. programs.